Kuflink maintains an up-to-date repository of national zipcode data,
including geocoding of zipcode centroids and carrier routes. This
latitude/longitude data is used by our Store Locator software to calculate
the distance between our clients' locations and every U.S. zipcode.
We offer this data processing service to other clients who need proximity
data. We can take a list of your stores/dealers and their associated
zipcodes and generate a list of the closest locations for every U.S. zipcode.
We charge a flat fee of $195 per list for this service.
Service Highlights
Email us a list of your locations with their corresponding zipcodes or
Choose an output file format: fixed fields, CSV or tab-delimited.
Select the maximum locations per zipcode: closest 3, 4, 5 or 6.
Specify the distance, in miles, beyond which a location is "too far".
Our zipcode database is updated monthly with USPS information.
For more information...
Call us today to discuss your requirements:
(651) 702-5578